Are leaders born or trained?

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

“I am not an entrepreneur, but I can recognise one. I have been engaged in political leadership. I believe it is similar to the question: “Are leaders born or trained?”, said Singapore’s first prime minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew at the inaugural Ho Rih Hwa Leadership In Asia Public Lecture which he delivered in 2002.

The quote, together with others by 13 internationally eminent and outstanding academics, scholars, business and political leaders who have spoken at SMU over the past 15 years at our Presidential Distinguished Lecturer Series and Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series, were displayed at an exhibition organised in conjunction with the official launch of the coffee table book “The Art of Leadership: Perspectives from Distinguished Thought Leaders” on 16 January 2018 at the SMU Hall in the School of Law.

Caption: Dr Tony Tan (right), accompanied by SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping, viewed the exhibition of the 14 speakers featured in the book.

Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, Singapore’s 7th President and SMU Honorary Patron, was the Guest-of-Honour at the event. About 200 SMU faculty, staff, students and guests attended the book launch.

Focusing on leadership and issues pertinent to our global landscape, The Art of Leadership is an in-depth and enriching collection of knowledge and perspectives from illustrious thought leaders who have spoken at the two lecture series. Among them were Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, former United Nations Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-Moon, political scientist Dr Francis Fukuyama, and former President of the World Bank Mr Robert Zoellick.

Edited by SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping and SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer, the book comprises 14 compelling lectures featuring the views and insights of internationally eminent and outstanding academics, scholars, business and political leaders on a range of topics from economics and politics to entrepreneurship and management.

Caption: SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping (left) and SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer (right) shared their thoughts on editing the book and their insights from the lectures.

At the book launch, Mr Ho said that the book serves to further cement the importance the two lecture series have in the public life of Singapore and to show SMU is increasingly at the centre of thought leadership in Singapore. He said that a university disseminates knowledge through teaching, creates knowledge through research, and shares knowledge through talks and lectures. The latter – the sharing of thought leadership - is an aspect which SMU wants to grow.

Speaking about his experience in moderating the seven Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lectures featured in the book, Mr Ho shared that the job of a good moderator is to let the personality of the speaker emerge so that the audience can connect with that person. He achieved this by making the speakers at ease to share by asking relatively impertinent questions in a respectful manner.

His biggest takeaway from moderating the Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series is the Question and Answer session which he felt was a good exercise to train students to ask the right questions, and for the audience to get a good gauge of the speaker.

Caption: An attentive audience of SMU faculty, staff, students and guests at the book launch.

During his sharing, Professor De Meyer opined that all the leaders featured in the book were very clear about their purpose and what they wanted to achieve, and fell back on their values when it came to decision-making. He added that predictions are difficult to make, citing the example of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who would not have anticipated the Rohingya crisis when she spoke at SMU in 2013.

Through the series of lectures featured in the book, Prof De Meyer also noticed that the topic of sustainability is gaining more and more attention. He also noted that in a networked world - where individuals, companies and even countries operate in a network – the old leadership style of Command and Control has become less and less effective, except in crisis situations; in its place is a need for leaders to be able to convince people and bring them onboard, hence today’s leaders need to be a lot better in communication.

Published by World Scientific, The Art of Leadership is available for sale at major bookstores in Singapore: Kinokuniya, Times, Popular, MPH. It is also available at The SMU Shop and Booklink at SMU.

About Ho Rih Hwa Leadership In Asia Public Lecture Series

The Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series seeks to inspire students and the public with the views and valuable opinions of accomplished entrepreneurs, business and political leaders from within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region. The series was established at the Singapore Management University by philanthropist Mrs Ho Lien Fung, in memory of her late husband, former Singapore Ambassador and successful businessman Mr Ho Rih Hwa.

Focusing on leadership and business issues pertinent to our global landscape today, the lecture series serve as an enriching platform for the sharing of relevant knowledge and experience. The lectures are delivered by individuals who have demonstrated impeccable leadership with significant contributions to the society in their respective fields. It is a tremendous opportunity for audiences to draw on the foresight, knowledge and experiences of these distinguished speakers.

About Presidential Distinguished Lecturer Series

The Presidential Distinguished Lecturer Series was launched in 2005 with the aim of stimulating discussions among faculty, staff and students as well as the larger external audience on issues of contemporary interest and significance. Internationally-renowned and respected academics, scholars and business leaders who have attained prominence in their respective fields, are invited to share their refreshing insights and experience at this lecture series so as to grow and enrich the intellectual capacity and diversity of SMU through interactive discourse.

[Featured photo: SMU’s book ‘The Art of Leadership: Perspectives from Distinguished Thought Leaders’ was officially launched by Guest-of-Honour Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam (centre).With him on stage were SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping (left) and SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer (right), the editors of the book.]