Customer service evolves through the generations

In a commentary, SMU’s Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) Executive Director Neeta Lachmandas noted that the results of the recent Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore conducted for Q1 2017 indicated that the adoption of retail technology by consumers remain stratified and that companies must continue to be aware of their target market. Ms Lachmandas said that with technological advancement, service levels should also evolve to ensure that companies do not replace humans with technology. While technology enablers will become the norm in the future in various manpower-strapped industries, at the heart of every business is its people, and an over-reliance on technology could be isolating some of their target customers.

Ms Lachmandas added that there are always aspects of customer service that transcend technologies and generations. Businesses should bear this in mind and understand that the human touch can add sincerity that technology cannot. Ensuring a balance between technology and human service is a key factor that businesses have to keep in mind if they truly want to provide excellent service.