Who is Xavier Lur?

In an interview, Xavier Lur, who is set to start his university education at SMU, said he is someone who lives and breathes social media. He has made it his hobby and work. When he first created a Twitter account in 2008, the main purpose of it was to promote a technology blog where he wrote about the latest technology news and gadgets. This blog has since been bought over. It was about a year ago when he actively started using Twitter to promote events and new products in Singapore. When asked, “I choose events or products that are really relevant to the people, something that most Singaporeans would want to know about!” Xavier finds out about events by keeping a close watch on events posted on Instagram and Facebook, as well as listings in the newspaper. There are times where he does get media invites, but this a small percentage in comparison to those that he sources on his own. It was when he was covering these events that his tweets start to go viral and gradually so did his followers count. It now stands at almost 170,000 followers.