Dept stores 'can gain edge if they go online'

The Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) at SMU released the 2017 Q1 Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) results for the Retail and Info-Communications sectors yesterday. The Retail sector scored 72.1 points on a 0 to 100 scale for CSISG 2017 Q1, a performance similar to the same period last year. The Info-Communications sector scored 69.6 points (+1.10-points year-on-year) for CSISG 2017 Q1, a statistically significant improvement from the year before. Commenting on the findings that retailers that offer both gain more customer loyalty than online-only stores, Mr Chen Yongchang Head of Research & Consulting at ISE said traditional bricks-and-mortar stores could be better served and complemented by developing a robust omni-channel presence if they have not already done so. It can potentially give them a competitive edge over the e-commerce retailers, he said. Of the four retail sub-sectors surveyed, only the department store sub-sector showed significant improvement. This largely stemmed from more satisfied local shoppers, said Ms Neeta Lachmandas, ISE's Executive Director. "This increase could be related to the revamps of various stores and product offerings, as well as increased promotional activities targeted at boosting sales," she said.