Striking the right balance

SMU Cross-Border Commercial Law in Asia (CEBCLA) and partner Dentons Rodyk organised a dialogue session on 11 April 2017 on “The Future of eCommerce” with Guest of Honour Dr Janil Puthucheary, Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Education, and Keynote Speaker Mr Maximilian Bittner, Founder & CEO of the Lazada Group. The event also included a panel discussion with Dr Janil Puthucheary, Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Education; Mr Maximilian Bittner; Ms Gladys Chun, General Counsel for the Lazada Group; Mr Gilbert Leong, Senior Partner, Intellectual Property and Technology, Dentons Rodyk; and Moderator Mr Philip Jeyaretnam SC, Regional CEO, Dentons Rodyk. Professor Tang Hang Wu, CEBCLA Academic Director, commented “The discussion demonstrated that many legal issues in relation to e-commerce will no longer be settled in a formal court of law, but likely dealt with by a privately mediated settlement between the e-commerce platform provider, the consumer and the seller.”