The Role of Faith Communities in Countering the Terror Threat

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed the rise of self-radicalisation and the role of faith in countering the terror threat. He highlighted that the terrorism threat in Singapore is not solely a Malay-Muslim problem, warning that a finger-pointing approach can have the unintended effect of spotlighting or isolating the mainstream Muslim community, thereby threatening mutual security and undermining ethnic relations.

Associate Prof Tan noted that sustained confidence building among the communities is needed to ensure that Singapore builds its stock of adequate social capital and resilience to withstand threats to its social fabric posed by terrorist threats and acts. The best counter-radicalisation strategy will not prevent sign-ups to violent extremism. He stressed that social trust and resilience will only be engendered if Muslims and non-Muslims alike work as full citizens to counter the terrorist threat, adding that governments do not defeat terrorism.