National Sprinter Shanti Pereira is first recipient of SMU's Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

Singapore, 28 March (Tuesday) – The Singapore Management University (SMU) is pleased to announce that the first Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship has been awarded to Shanti Veronica Pereira, Singapore’s fastest woman on the running track. Shanti will begin her four-year undergraduate programme at the School of Accountancy from August 2017.

Launched in December 2016, the bond-free Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship honours and recognises the efforts of three-time Paralympic gold medallist and world-record holder Yip Pin Xiu, a final year SMU undergraduate. SMU’s first full sports scholarship is open to outstanding Singaporean athletes who have gained admission into any SMU undergraduate programme and these are students who have shown and will continue to demonstrate the spirit of excellence, outshining in sports and representing Singapore with pride and glory.

Shanti, the first recipient of the Scholarship, will receive a waiver of tuition fees for four years, as well as a Growth Opportunities Allowance of $12,000, that allows her to enjoy a wide range of leadership and personal development programmes, and overseas community service projects, student exchanges and school study missions.

Shanti could hardly contain her happiness and excitement when informed of her scholarship offer, “I am thrilled to receive the Yip Pin Xiu scholarship and am deeply grateful to SMU. It is such an honour and I certainly hope to live up to the expectation of the scholarship and do my part to encourage and motivate my fellow peers. I want to be in a vibrant and nurturing school where I am well-supported in both my studies and sports, and I feel like there is a lot that I can learn here at SMU, beyond the classroom.”

Shanti’s journey began when she studied at the Singapore Sports School (SSP). She was emplaced on the SSP-Republic Polytechnic Diploma programme which enabled her to receive uninterrupted elite-level training, as well as timely and appropriate advice on career options. As a carded athlete, and a recipient of the SPEX scholarship, Sport Singapore and Singapore Sports Institute also assisted and complemented her training plans as determined by her coach and Singapore Athletics. It was the network of all these institutions that pointed Shanti to seek the best possible environment – in SMU, to support Shanti’s ongoing quest to achieve excellence in both sports and education.    

SMU Provost, Professor Lily Kong, who hosted the award reception today said, “We are very happy that Shanti has chosen to come to SMU. She is an outstanding athlete and has proven to have the qualities and potential to excel in both her sport and studies. With a supportive and nurturing environment and infrastructure already in place, SMU is committed to help her chase her dream and glory for Singapore as well as groom her to be amongst SMU’s finest graduate in time to come.”

“I would like to acknowledge the stakeholders who have played a part in building the pathway that combines both sports and academic options, and for bringing elite athletes like Shanti to SMU. It was not by chance but a concerted and coordinated effort and support, of individuals and various organisations, so athletes can pursue their dreams of both sporting and personal excellence,” she added.

The special tea reception brought together stakeholders who have made Shanti’s journey possible. Guests included representatives from the Singapore Sports Institute, Singapore Sports School, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Athletics, Sport Singapore, Yip Pin Xiu, and Shanti’s friends and family.

More information on the Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship can be found at: