Slowing economy not a blip for fresh grads in job market

The latest joint graduate employment survey has found that nearly nine in 10 (89.7 per cent) members of the Class of 2016 in the labour force said they found jobs within six months of their final examinations. SMU said more than half (51.3 per cent) its graduates in full-time employment received two or more job offers. Among those who received a job offer, one in four landed full-time jobs through internships, which are compulsory for the university's undergraduates. Nearly four in five (78.2 per cent) completed two or more internships. The survey also found that SMU graduates took home the highest pay; they also earned the highest mean and median salaries. Their mean gross monthly salary of S$3,722 was higher than their peers at NUS (S$3,541) and NTU (S$3,424). An SMU graduate's median gross monthly salary was S$3,500 in 2016, more than NUS (S$3,400) and NTU (S$3,300). In SMU, graduates of its information systems course had the most significant increase in starting pay - they pulled off a 6.5 per cent increase over the 2015 cohort, receiving S$3,897 as the mean gross monthly salary.