Terrex vehicles: Ball now in HK's court

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan emphasised that the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles (IVCs) seized by Hong Kong Customs belong to Singapore and should be returned.

Given Hong Kong's adherence to absolute state immunity, it would be very surprising if the ICVs were not duly returned to Singapore, observed Associate Prof Tan. He noted that “should the ICVs be detained longer than is necessary, or seized and forfeited, that would constitute a serious and flagrant infringement of Singapore's national sovereignty and interests,”

Associate Prof Tan also highlighted that Hong Kong's reputation and standing as a key trans-shipment port and its commitment to the rule of law would be adversely affected should it not provide Singapore with the full measure of state immunity. A prompt resolution, in accordance with Hong Kong's law and international law, would enhance the rule of law and augur well for the comity and strong ties that exist between Singapore and Hong Kong (and China).