Professionals go back to school

In a Sunday Times Postgraduate Studies Special, two SMU postgraduate students shared what they gained from their respective programmes. One of them was Dr Mark Wong who enrolled in the Executive MBA (EMBA) programme at SMU last year. He said that his postgraduate studies have been a tremendous journey of personal growth which has helped him draw parallels and connections between his work and new concepts learnt. The SMU EMBA is designed to prepare global senior executives for the challenges of leading organisations in rapidly growing Asian markets, and to drive business innovation and growth.


Another postgraduate student, Ms Yu Hong, enrolled in SMU's Master of IT in Business (MITB) programme in the Financial Services Track in August 2015, when she was interning at a global bank. Ms Yu, who is currently a quality assurance team lead in the ebusiness Department at DBS Bank, noted that her studies and internship complemented each other remarkably well and accelerated her overall learning and growth. Since her graduation last month, Ms Yu said she has significantly broadened and deepened her understanding of the overall architecture and technology and operations in the banking sector. The SMU MITB programme, and its Financial Technology (fintech) Track in particular, are the first and only one of their kind in Singapore and Asia