Woman keeps house that bank tried to seize

SMU Professor of Law Tang Hang Wu was the instructed counsel in a property law case that involved the owners of a terraced house and a bank. The property, jointly owned by Mrs Sudha Natrajan and her husband Rajan Natrajan, was set to be seized as it had been pledged as collateral for sums owed by Mr Rajan's company Technomic Processors to the Bank of East Asia.  A formal deed had been drawn up to that effect based on an agreement between Mr Rajan and the bank that he, his wife and Technomic, jointly pay all sums that Technomic owed.  Through her lawyers – Prof Tang, Ng Lip Chih and Tan Jieying – Mrs Natrajan appealed, insisting that her signature was forged.  The Court of Appeal eventually ruled the case in her favour, following evidence from a handwriting expert, and also criticised the bank for not doing more to inform her of the liabilities that her husband's failed business had put her under.