SMU, JP Morgan suggest 3 tasks to ease Singapore's skills shortage

Singapore needs to do three things to tackle its skills shortage - cut its dependence on foreign workers by even more, ease the pace of change in industry policy and focus on soft and cross-job skills. These three areas were identified by SMU and J.P. Morgan in a 155-page report titled "Managing Skills Challenges in Asean 5". The report recommended that more attention be given to building soft skills and adaptability if Singapore is to pursue innovation-driven growth. Commenting on the findings of the report, SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer said: "With an educated and skilled workforce, Singapore needs to continuously innovate, make better use of technology to increase productivity and reduce reliance on low-skilled workers. Its education system could also place greater emphasis on curiosity, creativity and adaptability and risk-taking, to encourage the right mindset for an innovation-driven economy."