Need we fear a tech bubble?

In a commentary, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business undergraduate Chua Zong You said that while the current technology boom might be different from the previous one, valuations are still stretched. He noted it is thus not surprising that despite the astounding valuation of over US$60 billion by private market investors, Uber's CEO Travis Kalanick is in no hurry to list the company anytime soon. He explained that tech companies can easily gain or lose value, adding that startups that raised private capital from fund houses such as Fidelity or BlackRock might face scrutiny by Wall Street investors as though the startups were public. Zong You also wrote about the differences between the dotcom technology boom from 1997-2000, which ended with a burst bubble, to the current 2009-2016 startup boom. He highlighted three main differences - size, source of capital, and customer maturity - before going through the arguments for and against.