SMU steps forward to support the SG50 Jubilee Big Walk

Prof Arnoud De Meyer, SMU President, leads the SMU contingent
By the SMU Corporate Communications team

SMU stepped forward to give full support to the SG50 Jubilee Big Walk on 29 November. SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer led the SMU and SMU friends’ contingent along the historic 5km route; the University also provided complimentary car parking at both of its car parks; and a breakfast venue for over 300 community leaders and volunteers involved in organising the event. Many of the 25,000 walkers met up with their family and friends on the SMU campus, and waited outside the SMU Li Ka Shing Library on Stamford Road to make their start together with Singapore’s Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong outside the National Museum at 7am.

The Big Walk is always a family occasion and so SMU President invited along two relatives who were visiting him in Singapore – his sister Wiwina Demeester, and nephew Steven Demeester. SMU undergraduates, members of staff and their friends made up the rest of the contingent (see photos and captions).

Tan Siok Sun, Special Advisor, Office of the President, represented SMU on the walk’s Executive Committee and joined in part of the walk. She said, “After a refreshing, light drizzle at the start, the weather was perfect. Along the way, there were many points of interest, in addition to the historic buildings, including photo opportunities with stilt-walkers, people in costumes, and drummers from different communities. Our contingent walked fast and was amongst the first to finish.”

Harresh Krishnan, third-year undergraduate, School of Social Sciences joined the walk even though he was busy studying for his exams. “The route we took passed by many key sites and landmarks that I wouldn't notice on a regular day. It was refreshing having the chance to appreciate these sites through the walk and talk about them, especially with Professor De Meyer who really knew his facts!” he said.

Lee Kong Chian School of Business second-year undergraduate Jennifer Zoontjens also walked with the SMU contingent. The Dutch national who has been living in Singapore since she was six years old said, “The walk really gave me the opportunity to be a tourist in my own city. When you live here yourself you don't actually spend enough time just walking around. Also it was a great opportunity to speak to our President and SMU staff about exciting plans for developing our campus.”

The SG50 Jubilee Big Walk was the finale community participation event in celebration of SG50 and marked the launch of the Jubilee Walk. Jubilee Walk is commemorative trail that connects the past, present and future elements of the Singapore Story, with special trail and monument markers, leading through 25 historic and iconic locations within the civic district and Marina Bay area.

Main photo: SMU President Prof Arnoud De Meyer (fourth from right) with members of the SMU and SMU friends’ contingent at the SG50 Jubilee Big Walk (left to right) Ben Goh, Senior Associate Director, Office of Facilities Management; Harresh Krishnan, third-year undergraduate, School of Social Sciences; Wivina and Steven Demeester, Prof De Meyer’s sister and nephew; (SMU President Prof Arnoud De Meyer;) Ann Shen, Senior Executive, Wee Kim Wee Centre; Debe, friend of Sam Wu (see below); Jennifer Zoontjens, international undergraduate, Lee Kong Chian School of Business; (in front) Sam Wu, Assistant Director, Global Student Programmes, Office of Global Learning.

Prof De Meyer (centre) with members of the SMU and SMU friends' contingent, with some of the stilt-walkers who entertained participants in the SG50 Jubilee Big Walk.

The event was widely covered across the mainstream media with 27 post-event articles/reports over the print, broadcast and online platforms, including an 8-page special in The New Paper.