Celebrating the passion and achievements of SMU alumni

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

More than 200 SMU alumni were joined by members of SMU senior management, staff, faculty and current students at the Mochtar Riady Auditorium on 23 October 2015 for the inaugural Alumni Recognition Ceremony.

Organised by the Office of Alumni Relations (OAR), the event drew alumni from as far back as 2004, when SMU’s pioneer cohort graduated. Some specially flew in from Dubai, New York and Shanghai for the occasion, while a few attended the celebration with children in tow.

Since its founding in 2000, 12 batches, or over 16,700 undergraduate and postgraduate students have passed through the halls of the University. Every year, about 2200 graduates join our ever-growing alumni family.

SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer paid tribute to the alumni in his Welcome Speech. He said, “What makes great universities of the world great is their strong alumni base; the unwavering support and invaluable contributions of their alumni communities. Our own SMU alumni community has also been passionately supporting and giving back to SMU, and this inaugural Alumni Recognition Ceremony is organised specially to celebrate and recognise your contributions.

“Whether it is serving on leadership committees, volunteering in our overseas chapters and alumni groups, mentoring your juniors or supporting Schools and student and alumni activities, your work didn’t go unnoticed. It has been recognised by students, faculty and staff, and your fellow alumni. We observed your dedication, your commitment and your efforts in giving back to your alma mater, and tonight’s Alumni Recognition Ceremony is our way of saying ‘Thank-you’.”

Professor De Meyer also shared SMU’s achievement over the past year, including the research grants secured, disciplinary rankings, SMU-X curriculum, construction progress of the new law school building, and the redevelopment of Campus Green.

The first group of alumni to be recognised were the SMU Alumni Rising Star, SMU Alumni Pride, and SMU Alumni Spirit recipients.

[Caption: Recipients of SMU Alumni Rising Star award.]

The SMU Alumni Rising Star was presented to 15 alumni. This category recognises established and future leaders among SMU’s alumni, who epitomise the potential of SMU CIRCLE values (Commitment, Integrity, Responsibility, Collegiality, Leadership and Excellence) by achieving excellence in their chosen professions and yet continue to make significant impact through their service to SMU and/or society at large.

[Caption: SMU Alumni Pride award recipients.]

16 alumni were honoured with the SMU Alumni Pride, which recognises alumni who have rendered exceptional leadership and service to SMU through their involvement in alumni groups, overseas chapters, SMU Alumni Association, mentoring programmes, and in support of programmes and initiatives of schools, officers and centres.

[Caption: SMU Alumni Spirit award recipients.]

There were 15 recipients in the SMU Alumni Spirit category, which honours alumni who have demonstrated exemplary leadership and continued service to SMU student life. This category recognises their passion and commitment, and appreciate their contributions to the growth and success of student clubs and groups, and the student community at large.

In his speech, Director of OAR Associate Professor Low Aik Meng thanked the “selfless individuals who give of their time and energy to serve - in SMU Alumni Association, Alumni Groups and as Class Representatives, to mentor their juniors, and to share their knowledge and experiences with students and fellow alumni. We acknowledge also those who generously give, so that their juniors can benefit and seize the opportunities which may come their way”.

[Caption: Members of the inaugural batch of SMU Alumni Ambassadors with SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer, and Director of OAR Associate Professor Low Aik Meng.]

A highlight of the ceremony was the launch of the Alumni Ambassadors Programme, which saw 24 alumni inducted as ambassadors in the inaugural batch. Assoc Prof Low Aik Meng shared, “The primary role of Alumni Ambassadors is to support SMU’s vision of maintaining strong linkages between alumni and other stakeholders in the SMU community. Our Alumni Ambassadors will represent both OAR and SMU Alumni Association at alumni-related events and activities, and assist in facilitating meaningful interactions amongst alumni and with other SMU stakeholders. 

“The Alumni Ambassadors will be our listening posts – providing us with inputs on how we can bring more relevant programmes to our alumni.  They will play an integral role in SMU’s alumni engagement efforts.”

Assoc Prof Low also reserved special praise for the pioneer cohort of SMU students. He said, “15 years ago, 306 students stepped into a brand new university, ventured into unchartered waters, and within a short four years, made the world their oyster. They made the decision of a lifetime. They went against the grain, overcame objections, and challenged conventional wisdom. 

“To our pioneer cohort, you raised the SMU flag high and set the standards for years to come. You established a reputation for derring-do that has become a hallmark for SMU graduates.   Today, 15 years later, thousands of SMU students have found the courage first shown by you – to take the road less travelled, to take up the mantle first raised by you, and to continue many of the traditions first established by you.  You chose SMU, and SMU chose you.”

Professor Arnoud De Meyer also presented certificates of recognition to the SMU Alumni Association, School Alumni Groups and Interest Groups, Postgraduate Alumni Groups and Representatives, Alumni Overseas Chapters, and Alumni Mentors.

Mr Jay See Jingzhong, who is SMU Alumni Pride recipient, an Alumni Mentor and an executive committee member of SMU Alumni Association and Football Alumni Group, said “For me, contributing back to SMU through the alumni network is a very natural thing for me to do. SMU has given me a lot when I was an undergraduate. As the Chinese saying goes, "Drink the water, remember the source". I want to give back to my alma mater that has given me so many opportunities.”

Mr Terence Quek, a Alumni Rising Star recipient, an Alumni Ambassador and President of Master of Science in Communication Management (MCM) Alumni Group, said “I had a great experience with the MCM programme, and had forged meaningful friendships with classmates and the lecturers, friendships that I intend to keep for a life-time. As we are a new programme, and have a growing number of graduates, and I have benefitted from the programme, I thought it timely to step forward and play a part in creating a community among the graduates of the programme, so we can continue to stay connected in meaningful ways. I am also inspired by stories of some prominent overseas universities, where their alumni is very strong.

“I would encourage more graduates to step forward to play a part in building a strong alumni community in SMU. Don’t wait till you are free, because knowing SMU graduates, you are likely to be talented individuals who will be sought after – which means you will only get busier. Instead, make time, stay connected, be part of the action. The alumni community is only as strong, or as meaningful, as what you make it out to be.”

[Featured photo: SMU alumni from the pioneer cohort doing the iconic SMU Jump. With them are (front row, L-R) SMU Vice Provost (Special Projects) Professor Francis Koh, SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer, and Director of OAR Associate Professor Low Aik Meng.]