Universities get top marks for keeping students happy

According to the latest report by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU on the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore, public universities scored 75.6 for the three months ended June 30, the highest score for the sector since the survey commenced in 2007. The index saw SMU's score drop slightly, dipping 0.1 per cent, but still managed to retain the top spot among the three local universities with a score of 79.1. NTU's score rose the highest by 3.8 per cent to 73.3 while the NUS also climbed, by 2.9 per cent to 76.5. Overall, the scores for universities saw a 2.9 per cent improvement from the same period last year, when the sector received 73.5. SMU Vice Provost (Undergraduate Matters and Student Development) Professor Pang Yang Hoong said that she was “delighted” with SMU’s performance and added that SMU “has always strived to listen to feedback from students to make courses relevant for them”. She noted that SMU has introduced new courses and a curriculum this year as part of their efforts to keep up with the industry, as well as new facilities like the SMU labs that allow students to solve real world problems with experimentation.

The Business Times