US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks at SMU

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

SMU was privileged to host US Secretary of State John Kerry when he delivered a speech titled “American and the Asia Pacific: Partners in Prosperity” on his visit to Singapore. Nearly three years after Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke here as US Secretary of State in 2012, her successor Mr John Kerry presented his speech on 4 August 2015.

SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping gave a welcome address before an audience of over 300 diplomats, senior government officials, corporate leaders, SMU’s senior management and faculty members, as well as SMU students from the Law mooting and University of Southern California-SMU programmes, and from SMU Apolitical.. The event was co-hosted by SMU together with the US Embassy, American Chamber of Commerce and the US Asean Business Council.

Mr Ho outlined Mr Kerry’s varied career, which included serving in Vietnam and receiving several medals for bravery; campaigning on behalf of military veterans,; working as a prosecutor in Massachusetts, and as elected Lieutenant Governor of the same state; and his 28 years in the United States Senate where he served as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “In 2013 he became the first sitting Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman to become Secretary of State in over a century,” said Mr Ho. He added, “We can learn many lessons from his life and achievements, especially for our students here today. It is a great privilege to have Secretary Kerry here to share his thoughts and insights.”

Secretary Kerry was very warm in acknowledging SMU and in paying tribute to Singapore, especially on its golden jubilee. He said, “I am really pleased to be able to be here under the auspices of the Singapore Management University, particularly in the 50th anniversary of Singapore’s independence. Singapore’s journey… was shaped by the vision of its leader Lee Kuan Yew. And I had the privilege of meeting with him… as a young senator, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, and I have to tell you I learned an enormous amount from this man. His analysis of the dynamics of the region, of the surrounding countries… remain among the most insightful that I have gained in any of my travels, and I’m grateful for that.”

Secretary Kerry said that the 12 countries including the US and Japan negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) had made good progress on reaching an accord following talks that ended on Friday in Maui, but “as with any complex negotiation…there remain details to be hashed out”. He added, “My friends, this is a moment of exceptional opportunity for the Asia-Pacific.  We are nearing completion of a historic Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement on trade.”

After his speech in SMU’s Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Secretary Kerry gave a congratulatory message to the people of Singapore on the celebration of their 50th year of independence. He also posed for photographs with Mr Ho, SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer and US Ambassador to Singapore Mr Kirk Wagar.

Read Secretary Kerry’s speech: “America and the Asia-Pacific: Partners in Prosperity”

Read Mr Ho Kwon Ping’s welcome address for Secretary Kerry

“Mr Ho Kwon Ping, thank you. I enjoyed our conversation before we came in here learning about your beginnings at Stanford University... and I’m really delighted that you have put your considerable talent to work here on behalf of SMU,” said Secretary Kerry.

The audience in the Mochtar Riady Auditorium numbered over 300 diplomats, senior government officials, corporate leaders, SMU’s senior management, faculty members and students.

(From left to right) US Ambassador to Singapore Mr Kirk Wagar, SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer; US Secretary of State Mr John Kerry; and SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping.