Briefing Sessions on SMU Internal Research Grant

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

To be in line with the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) requirements, the SMU Internal Research Grant scheme has recently been revised to support projects in two different categories: A and B.  Category A projects are for exploratory research in the form of small projects with a maximum project value of S$40,000 over one year. Category B projects are meant to encourage faculty to apply for external grants with a maximum project value of S$150,000 over two years.

To brief faculty on the revised scheme, the Office of Research (ORe) conducted three briefing sessions on 19 March, 2 April and 10 April. During the briefings, ORe presented the key revisions by explaining the intent of the two categories to align with MOE’s objectives. Details of the total project value, the grant call frequency, evaluation process as well as the fundable and non-fundable items were introduced. The application process, timelines and milestones were also explained.

More than 60 SMU staff attended the briefings. Given the feedback and frequently asked questions (FAQ) at the sessions, ORe updated the funding guidelines and compiled a list of FAQ to address common enquiries and provide clarification. The documents are available here for downloading. For faculty who were unable to attend the briefings, the slides can be found here.

The grant call for SMU Internal Research Grant is now open and will be closed on 31 May 2015. You may visit the Grants intranet for more details or contact Ms Zhang Huijuan at huijuanzhang [at] for enquiries.


Office of Research, Singapore Management University