Full house at SMU Open House 2015

By the SMU Corporate Communications team
  • 38 talks, 14 campus tours, CCA performances and bazaar fill two full days
  • faculty members, current students, alumni and office personel present on stage and staff information booths
  • SMU President Prof Arnoud De Meyer treated to rousing dance and music performance before touring the Open House

Thousands of potential SMU students thronged to SMU with their friends, siblings and parents for Open House 2015 on 7–8 March. They came to gather information that would help them to make one of the most important decisions of their lives so far – which university and which degree programme to apply for. They were delighted to be greeted with a carnival atmosphere that ensured they got a taste of student life at SMU, as well as every opportunity to get the information they needed.

Hustle and bustle at busiest booth of Open House 2015 – Undergraduate Admissions at the concourse T-junction.

They left with the seven top reasons why SMU was clearly in their minds: unrivalled interactive learning based, an innovative and holistic curriculum, highly popular options for double degrees and second majors, many and various opportunities for global exposure, a hugely successful internship programme, proven teaching excellence, and strong employment outcomes in terms of employment rate and starting salaries.

Straight talk

A total of 38 scheduled talks – 19 on each day – provided all essential guidance on the admissions process, scholarships and financial aid, career services, global exposure opportunities and the six schools’ programmes. Many of the presentations featured current SMU students and graduates giving their inside view, in addition to information delivered by faculty and staff members. There was a similar mix among those answering questions and providing handouts at the key information booths which lined SMU’s underground concourse.

A packed Mochtar Riady Auditorium – one of four venues for the 38 scheduled talks over the weekend.

Undergraduate Tan Ming Guang who was a representative at the School of Economics booth was one such example. He answered questions on the key differences between the Business Management and Economics syllabuses, whether it is essential to be good at maths in order to take the Economics degree, and the career prospects for graduates.

Assistant Professor Jason Woodward, School of Information Systems, commented, “I always enjoy engaging with prospective students and their parents. It reminds me of my own experience at that stage in life, when I had absolutely no idea of what I wanted from my university education. So I try to talk to them in ways that would have been meaningful to me.”

A business undergraduate talking about the syllabus with a visitor.

Tour de force

Eager to take a closer look at SMU’s celebrated city campus, the seven daily Campus Tours were all well-attended. Led by students from the Ambassadorial Corps, the tour highlights included the newly refurbished Li Ka Shing Library, Mrs Wong Kwok Leong Student Wellness Centre, SMU’s Seminar Rooms that pioneered small class teaching for undergraduates, and the  innovative SMU Labs.

Members of the SMU Ambassadorial Corps leading a Campus Tour outside the SMU Shop.

Full-on CCAs

Proving that SMU’s holistic education goes beyond academic excellence was the Student Life showcase, “SMU Live”. When SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer arrived at the start of Open House he was greeted with a special street performance by percussion group Samba Masala with modern dance troop Indancity outside the Administration Building.

Many of the most popular performing arts Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) clubs put on shows at the stage next to the CCA booths along the concourse, hosted by emcees from SMU Broadcast and Entertainment who kept the party atmosphere buzzing throughout both days of SMU Open House 2015.

Prof De Meyer with members of SMU Komunitas Indonesia – the University’s Indonesian cultural club – during his tour of Open House 2015.

Main photo: SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer (centre) with members of SMU modern dance troop Indancity (front row) and samba percussion group Samba Masala at the start of SMU Open House 2015.