SMU Associate Professor of Operations Management Lim Yun Fong was of the opinion that apps could be used “to meet the individual demands of customers”. Such information would boost customer satisfaction with public transport services, which are currently facing declining levels of customer satisfaction. The second-quarter results of the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore, conducted by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISES), showed that the year-on-year scores for the MRT System, Public Buses and Taxi Services sub-sectors fell by 6.8 per cent, 3.6 per cent and 6.1 per cent respectively. ISES Director Caroline Lim said: “Commuters’ expectations here have been shaped by the smooth operations of our public transport network until recently – the spate of MRT breakdowns in 2011. Operators and regulators will have to do more to engage commuters so as to give confidence, to bring back the sense of a seamless experience like it was in the past.”
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