Many analysts have pointed out that the growing disparity between developed and developing countries is the key reason for WTO’s failure to achieve an agreement on the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). SMU Professor of Law Henry Gao said, “On the one hand, developing countries feel that topics such as services trade and intellectual property are too advanced and therefore show little interest. On the other hand, developed countries are focusing their trade discussions on issues such as labour standards and climate change; to them, topics in the DDA are too backward.” Prof Gao added that as a multi-lateral trade institution, the success of WTO is not limited to trade policy negotiations; its dispute settlement framework is unique and cannot be substituted by any other international institution. He commented that if WTO moves to Hong Kong or Singapore, “China will be able to have more influence on the WTO.” Such a move will also bring change to WTO’s own organisational culture. “People in Hong Kong are hardworking and are used to a fast pace of living, they will perhaps bring more dynamism to WTO,” he said.
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