Stepping into the vast space of four combined halls at Suntec City Convention Centre on Wednesday 13 August for Convocation 2014 was like stepping into another world – or rather, another galaxy.
The combined talents and sheer hard work of SMU senior students, the Office of Student Life and University Events team had created a truly immersive experience which took the audience into a galaxy resembling that in the Star Wars movies. Artistic Director Jimmy Ye harnessed the creative and performing talents of SMU students to stage a dance, drama and musical spectacular which lasted for over two hours and which was interwoven with the formal ceremonial and speeches.
The expectant and excited audience of some 4,000 people included SMU’s largest ever cohort of 1,940 students, their parents and friends, Members of the Board of Trustees, faculty and staff members, representatives from several secondary institutions and other invited guests. As the Grand Procession walked down the aisles there were woops of surprise and delight to see the SMU leadership accompanied by Star Wars’ Storm Troopers and characters.
After the formal opening of Convocation by SMU Vice Chancellor Mr J Y Pillay, three emcees set the stage for a comedy drama which would instruct the freshmen, whom they referred to as ‘padawan’ (Jedi apprentice knights), on the ways and values of the planet ‘SMUni’. The actors were dressed in elaborate costumes and make-up, and performed in front of a gigantic screen which displayed spaceships and alien landscapes with astonishing realism.
Three sages guide the padawan
The emcees introduced the Chairman of SMU’s Board of Trustees, Mr Ho Kwon Ping as the Master Jedi – a title he welcomed enthusiastically before beginning his Welcome Address. Mr Ho explained how a Rebel Alliance had formed SMU to fight against the ‘group think’ of the education institutions at the turn of the millennium. He also elaborated on the choice of the Star Wars theme. The story, he explained, explores how when we learn to unleash the Force within us, it can be used for good or evil. Similarly the knowledge, experience and personal skills that the freshmen would acquire at SMU could be used selfishly or to help create a better world for all.
The Guest of Honour was Ms Yong Ying-I, Permanent Secretary (Public Service Division) and Permanent Secretary (National Research Foundation) in the Prime Minister’s Office, and founding CEO of the Infocomm Development Agency. Ms Yong talked about the opportunities the freshmen’s generation would enjoy in the technologically advanced Smart Nation envisaged by the Singapore government. She added that the students had chosen to join what Mr Ho called the Rebel Alliance: “I urge you to follow through by having an innovative mind-set and approach to your studies. Create something of your own, don’t just imitate others or stick to the status quo just because it has been working. Be the “Alternative”. Dare to experiment. Dare to take risks.”
SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer spoke of one of the benefits of studying at SMU as being the flexibility of the curriculum, which allows students to customise their degree to complement their strengths. He also introduced them to the new SMU LifeLessons Pathfinder journal, which was given to every student to use to track their personal development at SMU. Like the Guest of Honour, he suggested that the students use their time at SMU to step out of their comfort zones and try new things that would stretch them.
Feel the Force
As the allegorical drama developed on stage, acted out by the cast and emcees from SMU Broadcast and Entertainment and StageIT co-curricular activities groups (CCAs), it was enhanced with a sequence of performances by Indancity, Caderas Latinas and Eurhythmix dancers; Voix, Samba Masala, Chamber Choir musicians; and Flare cheerleaders; all supported by the Convocation Orchestra, comprising Symphonia and Ivory Keys. It brought the show to a climax with an invigorating display of youthful exuberance, artistic creativity, raw energy and sheer enthusiasm.
Main photo: Star Wars Storm Troopers and other characters stand in front, having accompanied SMU’s leaders and the Guest of Honour to the stage in the Grand Procession.
Guest of Honour Ms Yong Ying-I (front row second from left) with (front row, left to right) Mr JY Pillay, Pro-Chancellor; Prof Arnoud De Meyer, President; Prof Rajendra K Srivastava, Provost and Deputy President (Academic Affairs); (back row, left to right) Prof Howard Thomas, Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business; Associate Prof Ong Siow Heng, Dean of Students; Prof Bryce Hool, Dean, School of Economics; Prof James Tang, Dean, School of Social Sciences; Mr Ho Kwon Ping, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Prof Pang Yang Hoong, Vice Provost (Undergraduate), Dean, School of Accountancy; Prof Steven Miller, Vice Provost (Research), Dean, School of Information Systems; Prof Yeo Tiong Min, Dean, School of Law; and Prof Francis Koh, Vice Provost (Special Projects).
Mr Ho Kwon Ping, Chairman of the Board of Trustees brandishing a “light sabre’ at the end of his Welcome Address.
Freshmen pose at the entrance to Suntec City Convention Centre before the SMU Convocation 2014.
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