SMU to broaden learning for freshmen

SMU Provost and Deputy President (Academic Affairs), Professor Rajendra K Srivastava said that the undergraduate syllabus will be revamped to help students broaden their understanding of different disciplines and issues, on top of having “depth” in their chosen majors. Students will be required to take 16 modules, with at least one course from eight “clusters”. Vice Provost (Undergraduate) Professor Pang Yang Hoong said that “the ‘clusters’ are broad bodies of knowledge” giving undergraduates “a more holistic education.” Prof Srivastava said that freshmen pursuing different degrees will then have a “common base of knowledge”. He added that the existing curriculum allows students to choose more modules in a field that they are strong in. He said the big difference between the last decade and the next is the “volatility and uncertainty” in the economic world and other areas, so graduates must be prepared to adapt. He concluded that SMU would continue in its efforts to produce work-ready graduates. It is also ramping up its overseas programmes to allow all students to have overseas exposure and hopes to secure more funds to help students go abroad.

The Straits Times