Academic Director of SMU Executive Development Dr Michael Netzley said that the state of online conduct in Singapore is troubling. "Any time somebody appoints himself judge, jury and executioner, we have a drastic problem," he said. Dr Netzley, who has researched digital media across Asia, compared online "CSI" activity here to what is known as the "human flesh search engine" in China, where netizen mobs turn on individuals and make their lives a misery by posting their personal details online. Dr Netzley added: "What I don't want is for the Government, at some point, to decide that they've had enough and are going to start tracking people online. But any time you push the limits online, you invite the Government to make restrictions. People must do better at self-regulation, and there needs to be more citizens willing to speak up and say, 'This is wrong'."
Asia News Network, Asia One