SINGAPORE should give its service sector time to mature, given that the French took two centuries to transform from a culture of servants to one of service professionals, says the executive director of an academy for the culinary arts and food and beverage (F&B) service.
Chef Christophe Megel of the At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy said: "We should stop beating ourselves up so hard because I think overall, we do quite a decent job in Singapore. And when you look at the history and the amount of growth we've had, that doesn't happen by accident."
He was speaking at a recent industry forum organised by the Institute of Service Excellence (ISES) at the Singapore Management University.
The latest Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) scores for the food & beverage and tourism sectors released at the event appeared to back up his assessement - the scores are at their highest since the index was first compiled in 2007.