Disability has never stopped 24-year-old SMU undergraduate Lim Kay Choong from participating in outdoor or sporting activities. Mr Lim is wheelchair-bound as he suffers from congenital myopathy, a form of muscular disease. Earlier this month, he had served as a mentor at an Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) camp for young beneficiaries of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore). Mr Lim said, "I see myself as a big brother to them and I try to talk to them and make jokes so that they have fun." OBS is on the lookout for more people with special needs like Mr Lim to act as mentors in its programmes and camps for people with physical or intellectual disabilities. Mr Lim has been encouraging others to join in such events and not be limited by their disabilities. He said: "Going to camps takes us out of our comfort zones and we will learn more about ourselves when we overcome obstacles." "Often, people might feel that it takes a lot of effort to go out and they don't know what to expect. But we shouldn't be hindered by such thoughts because out there, it's so beautiful," he added.
The Straits Times
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