SMU Assistant Professor of Law and NMP Eugene Tan commented that MDA’s recent announcement of the licensing scheme for news websites, was “business as usual” on the part of the Government. He said: “Yes, the new rules may strike some as the end of the light touch regime. But any regulatory regime requires rules, and these rules will have to be updated from time to time. What will determine whether the light touch regime is still the norm is not so much the rules themselves, but how the rules are enforced. SMU Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication (Education) and social media expert Michael Netzley said: “I think it is too early to say whether or not there is a change in the light touch policy because the devil is always in the details. Certainly the new policy is written in surprising broad terms that invite concern as to how the policy will actually be implemented, that question we cannot answer until we are further down the road and see what this announcement means in practice.”
The New Paper
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