With just a little over Rs 350 crore in revenue from its China operations as on 31 March 2012, one can be excused for wondering what India’s largest software services provider, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS), has been doing in that country for the last decade. For one, TCS pioneered the entry of the Indian IT industry, worth over $108 billion, into China in 2002. It has also built significant inroads in China and foresees growth in the banking and financial services areas, where banks will be looking to technology systems to help them stay nimble and lean in times of economic uncertainty. TCS has also partnered with SMU to harness the strength of SMU’s and Singapore’s urban IT solutions for citizens and to take it global. Going forward, TCS, according to its website, aims at making China the “delivery epicentre for its neighbouring markets comprising Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong”.
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