'Must do home work'

Habitat for Humanity Singapore's national director Yong Teck Meng is busy cleaning up all the homes of the elderly poor slumming it out behind closed doors in a nation without slums. He sees his Project Homeworks to clean up the homes of the destitute elderly as a solution to bring together an increasingly stratified Singapore society today where many Singaporeans have never stepped into a rental flat. His goal is to naturalise looking out for the old before 2030 arrives - by which he will be 68 and among the aged here. To his great comfort, a bunch of SMU students, led by his daughter, did its house cleaning here last year. Since then, the students have "adopted" a few elderly poor, returning weekly with meals or taking them to the doctor. "It's a self-starting thing. So I pray that this is something that can happen naturally and regularly," said the man, who speaks rapid-fire, his idioms speckled with Singlish and dialect.

The Straits Times