Former SMU accounting instructor Kee Koon Boon shared that Singapore’s new education system (“Education 2.0”) should centre on how and why resilient firms continue to create value in uncertain and difficult times. Currently, the Singapore workforce's accumulation of wealth and tangible assets for their own sake has evolved into a sense of entitlement, posing a dangerous liability that erodes character, moral values and social cohesion. Instead of the diminishing marginal returns from repeating "Education 1.0", where school results are instrumental, these complex uncertain times require an education system that enables students to grope and reach directly into the global marketplace, to be sensitive and alert to existing anomalies and paradigms, and to be aware of how things ought to function and behave. Educators must connect and sensitise students to the chaotic global marketplace. It is this sensitivity and alertness that leads to creating "bamboo innovators", whose strength lie in the intangibles.
The Straits Times