When it comes to checking out potential dates on social media, it appears that women try to gauge a man's personality while men just want to know if they can score a date. As part of Social Media Week 2013 held last month, a social experiment of 40 participants between the ages of 20 and 30 revealed that after viewing Facebook profile photos of possible partners, female participants then focused on the content the men shared, while male participants zoomed in on the "About me" page next - where a woman's relationship status is stated. SMU Associate Professor of Psychology Norman Li explained that men tend to be more visually oriented and direct but women try to piece together a man's personality through more indirect cues, such as the news items or photos he shares. "Women are evaluating relationships for long-term potential. It's somebody they have to trust and know," Prof Li said. However, keeping a relationship online for too long may be detrimental to long-term prospects. Often, things are hyper-exaggerated on the web, said Associate Prof Li.
The Straits Times