During a dialogue session with SMU students, Tata Group Emeritus Ratan Tata noted that efforts to control inflation plus scams, and other issues, resulted in Indian economic growth slowing down to five or sub-five per cent. He said that he expects India to re-establish its economic growth at over seven per cent in the next couple of years; however, the economy would not be able to achieve the over-eight percent growth rate it had reached prior to the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Responding to a question on recent economic boosting measures in the Indian Budget for 2013-14, he said: "One must ask is it enough or is it too late. My own feeling is that some of the confidence in the Indian economy, perhaps among investors, is restored. But there is a lot more that needs to be done if India is to be moving back to the visibility and the attraction that it had some years ago".
Rediff India Abroad, Hindustan Times, The Statesman, Free Press Journal, Samay Live, Dion News Services
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