Busting myths about welfare states

SMU Adjunct Professor Joergen Oerstroem Moeller pointed out that four Nordic countries, with Denmark in the lead, are showing that the social welfare system should not be vilified. Mostly, the society is stable and equally motivated because there is a fairly even distribution of the fruits. The transformation from farming societies to industrial societies was accomplished with a high degree of equality not only with regard to income and wealth, but also in everyday life and in the workplace. The main difference may be found in the attitude towards those citizens not capable or willing to take part in the productive part of society. Evidence seems sufficiently solid to warrant the conclusions that overall it may be cheaper to run Denmark than the US, measured as share of GDP. In addition, this only incorporates direct visible expenditure not taking into account negative effects from a recalcitrant or even hostile section of the population incurring security costs for business and individuals. Prof Moeller also pointed out the possible future changes in the Danish welfare system.

The Business Times