The researchers from SMU and the University of Western Sydney examined a host of much-used strategies by women playing hard to get. Overall, they found that women were more likely than men to play hard to get, and suggested that this was because women try to ensure a potential mate will stand by them once they have a child.
Daily Mail, The Sun Hong Kong, Oriental Daily, News Track India, The Australian,, Business Standard
TheAustralian_20121211_1.pdf132.9 KB
NewsAu_20121211_1.pdf132.85 KB
BusinessStandard_20121211_1.pdf107.84 KB
DailyMail_20121211_1.pdf203.47 KB
TheSunHK_20121211_1.pdf58.1 KB
OrientalDaily_20121211_1.pdf56.61 KB
NewsTrackIndia_20121211_1.pdf104.71 KB