SMU Professor Sun Sun Lim wins Asia Women Tech Leaders Award

Singapore Management University (SMU) College of Integrative Studies (CIS) Professor of Communication and Technology and Vice President, Partnerships…

The AI Revolution: Are you ready for it?

With artificial intelligence (AI) profoundly changing myriad aspects of our lives, there is much debate about its impact on employment, education and…

Women in Entrepreneurship Incubator Spotlights Health and Urban Solutions

Singapore, 7 Mar 2024 – Singapore Management University's (SMU) Lien Centre for Social Innovation (LCSI) today announced the Women in…

SOSS Assistant Professor Andree Hartanto named Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science

Assistant Professor Andree Hartanto from the SMU School of Social Sciences has been recognised as a Rising Star, by the Association for Psychological…

Blue Bird takes flight – how Indonesia’s top mobility provider uses digitalisation and promotes sustainable growth in the post-COVID era

As the top mobility provider in Indonesia, PT Blue Bird Tbk’s financials look unbeatable. As of April 2023, after the 50th anniversary of the company…

Filipino Students to Benefit from $4 million Gifted to SMU

Singapore, 28 February 2024 (Wednesday) – A group of distinguished industry leaders and the corporate community in the Philippines have come together…

SMU Study Abroad Fair 2024 attracts more than 1,500 students, setting a new record

Singapore Management University’s Study Abroad Fair, held on 17 January 2024 on SMU campus, attracted the largest ever number of participants since…

SMU Team crowned overall champions in National Tax Competition 2024

On 3 February 2024, SMU’s Team “ACCT 403” emerged as champions of the National Tax Competition (NTC) 2024, organised by Nanyang Technological…

SMU’s 2023 fresh graduates see healthy employment and starting salaries in latest employment survey

Singapore, 22 February 2024 (Thursday) – Fresh graduates from Singapore Management University’s (SMU) 20th cohort have registered healthy and stable…

University of North Carolina, Singapore Management University, and Copenhagen Business School partner in the TRicontinental Exchange in Business and Leadership Education (TREBLE) Programme

The United States, Singapore, and Denmark, 21 February 2024 (Wednesday) – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) in the United States,…